
Gerbera news

The Gerbera moment of Martin Beers

The Gerbera moment of Martin Beers

We interviewed Martin Beers, manager of the Research and Development (R&D) department at HilverdaFlorist. They are a breeder associated with Coloured by Gerbera..

"Our breeding techniques are evolving rapidly, and so is our approach to both the product and the process

For those who don’t know you, who are you and what do you do?

My name is Martin Beers, and I am the manager of the Research and Development (R&D) department at HilverdaFlorist. This means I am responsible for all our breeding activities. I lead the breeding and research team with the goal of introducing new and improved varieties and lines every year.

What makes your job so special?

What makes my work so special is the great variety. I work with people due to my management role, but I also spend a lot of time among the plants. It's challenging, but also enjoyable to work with a team and support them. Some tasks are simple and fun, while others are complex, which keeps it interesting. The diversity and responsibility give me a lot of satisfaction.

What are the latest developments in the breeding process?

Where we used to focus mainly on physical characteristics, we are now increasingly looking at technical aspects like robustness and disease resistance. Sustainability also plays a major role. In addition, we are using more modern techniques, whereas we previously relied mostly on traditional breeding. The techniques are changing rapidly, and with that, so is our approach to the product and process.

What role do the grower and florist play in the breeding process?

Growers and florists largely determine our objectives. The florist gives us insight into aesthetic trends and what appeals to consumers. The grower, who is our direct customer, informs us about desired technical aspects such as growth and production. Both parties are essential in determining what we focus on.

What are the biggest challenges in he field of breeding?

The biggest challenge is dealing with diseases and pests, which are becoming an increasingly larger problem. Plants now have to meet strict requirements in terms of sustainability and climate resilience. This makes the breeding process more complex than before when the focus was primarily on appearance and productivity. These traits are still important, but there's much more to consider now.

Which new gerbera variety are you most proud of? 

I am most proud of the Standard Gerbera Everglow. It has a unique and exclusive color combination that perfectly matches the trends in pastel and earthy tones. Additionally, Everglow offers excellent vase life.

Thanks for the interview Martin! You can find more information about Hilverda Florist on their website.